Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ice Cube Addiction Response (thoughts, feelings, reactions)

In my opinion i particulary liked doing this experiement. I got a feel what its like to have a secret addiction. Having to hide ice cubes which everyone uses was kind of difficult at times when out in public but  mostly easy when at home. I also got a feel what its like when the person addicted to a certain drug is always figuring out where and who they are going to get their next suppy from. Being addicted to the ice cubes, i had to constantly be figuring out where i was going to get my next ice cubes from. Whether it was from the fridge, gas station, restuarant, or even someone elsen i had to get it right away and then hide it.

My feelings during the experiement  were awkward at times, especially when i had to ask for a non clear cup at the restaurant or make sure nobody saw me use the ice machine before getting my drink. Also when i was at home with my family, i always had to sneek the ice cubes in my cup before ne one could see, or make sure that my drink was completely full in my cup so that my ice cubes were even more hidden.

I also learned that being addicted to something you will do everything in your power to get and to keep it. By which means you will do the unordinary to hide it. It seemed that i was on a time schedule during the experiement, i always had to watch when someone was in the kitchen or people who were around me in public places in order for them not to see my ice cube addiction.

 My final reactions to the experiement gave me a little taste on what its like to be an addict. I noticed how much it changes your schedule, your life, and your relationships with your friends and family. If i were to be an actual addict i know my reputation would change and how people would like at me. My behavior and they way i would look at things would also change. Having myself change may change the way others look at me and they may decided not to be around me anymore.

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